Intensive Therapy Programs
The brain is amazing! It has the ability to heal, learn and change.

Our Intensive Therapy Program provides skilled Occupational and Physical Therapy services utilizing the principles of Conductive Education to treat the whole person. Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) develop self-determination and an “I Can!” attitude within the Center’s clinical setting.
Infants and Children with Cerebral Palsy or a Physical Disability

0-12 MONTHS; Six-week intensive, 1x weekly
Move and achieve together!
Our team of OTs, PTs and Conductive Ed Professionals specialize in early motor development. We support parents through the transition home from the NICU and help infants thrive! We will work together with you and your baby in a family-friendly environment providing skills to reach your baby’s developmental milestones.
Babies who benefit are premature infants, full-term infants, infants with movement challenges, decreased coordination, decreased strength, and/or infants who had extended NICU stays. This program provides a natural support system for parents and caregivers who are experiencing similar situations. You won’t feel alone — you will gain strength from families that are just like you!
If you have any concerns about your baby's development, have a NICU grad or Preemie, don't wait and see - call the Center today.

1-3 YEARS; 2 mornings per week for 2.5 hours each day, year round
Plant the seeds of independence!
Early intervention is critical for toddlers to develop foundational skills and gain confidence during this optimal age range for neuroplasticity! With the facilitation of our skilled professionals, toddlers focus on walking, toileting, eating and sitting to maximize independence.
The Center’s intensive therapy provides opportunities to explore and achieve individualized goals with similarly abled peers.

3- 5 YEARS; 2 mornings per week; 2.5 hours each day, year round
Grow the roots of independence - discover your child's potential!
Children with physical disabilities learn best in included environments with peers of all abilities. Our therapeutic team will work with your child on strengthening skills that transfer into the home and school environments. This program focuses on independence with functional transitions, self-dressing and pre-handwriting.
Your child will develop an "I Can!" attitude while playing and learning alongside others just like them.

6-12 YEARS; 2 afternoons per week, 3 hours, year round
Branch out - discover your world and use your independence!
School age children and teens with Cerebral Palsy (CP) are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and develop an"I Can!"attitude. The therapeutic team and the family focus on improved functional daily life skills, strength, endurance and mobility. The program helps to find the best way to navigate and move. This program focuses on improved walking, sitting, eating and toileting with an emphasis on social skills and increasing self-reliance in school and the community.
13+ YEARS; 1 afternoon per week for 3 hours, year round
This program provides continued therapy for graduates of the Center’s previous programs listed above.
We Partner with Local School Districts
The Center works in cooperation with local school districts filling a void in a strictly academic setting where activities of daily life skills are not addressed intensively. The Center believes that children with Cerebral Palsy or other physical disabilities deserve to be educated in both academic and life skills — one without the other does not develop the whole child. Children with physical disabilities have complex needs and deserve a complex education.
Support Programs
In addition to the above, the Center offers sibling support groups, parent-education nights, and home-visit training programs to better incorporate Conductive Education principles into the child’s day.
The community provided by the network of Center families provides ample opportunity for support as well as equipment sharing and referral recommendations.

All Programs Offered In 2 Chicago Area Locations

0-16 YEARS
Grow, reach and achieve this summer!
Learn alongside friends in a fun, supported environment. The therapeutic team works with your child to improve independence in walking, sitting, eating, toileting, and dressing.
The program relies on peer support, music, games and structured activities and focuses on movement, life skills, self–reliance and self–confidence.
Center Love!
My son is very motivated by having other kids around. Our kids spend so much of their lives working one on one with adults. The CE setting is really the first opportunity my son has had to address therapy goals while simultaneously socializing and learning from peer models rather than all adults.
~ Center Parent
Conductive Education is more than therapy - it is showing my child that he can be independent, no matter the challenges he faces.
~ Center Parent.
Conductive Ed means an opportunity for my son to grow and become stronger in an intense learning environment. The therapy uses all of his senses with input in order to help his brain form new pathways and recuperate lost skills. CE means that my son will be treated as a whole child who wants to play and sing and run and feed himself, rather than just a child with a weak arm.
~ Center Parent
My child is incredibly observant and watches every single thing anyone else does. He wants to join in, so attempts to do what the others are. Consequently he is unwittingly encouraged to use his body in ways that are not easy or natural due to his CP and he is successful.
~ Center Parent
My son is very motivated by having other kids around. Our kids spend so much of their lives working one on one with adults. The CE setting is really the first opportunity my son has had to address therapy goals while simultaneously socializing and learning from peer models rather than all adults.
~ Center Parent
Our Mission
The mission of the Center for Independence is to help children and young adults with disabilities achieve their highest level of independence in the home, school, community and workforce. Our therapy programs help children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) develop life skills, motor-function and an "I Can!" attitude.
Committed to breaking down barriers to employment, the Center also provides job training and placement for young adults with developmental disabilities through our innovative program Working Together Chicago.
The Center is an IL 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
EIN: 36-4259162
Our Vision: That children and young adults with disabilities have the opportunity to be fully participating members of the community.
Expect more, learn more...DO more!
Center Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Program times vary — check calendar.
Quick Contact
Center Locations
CFI Main Center
100 W. Plainfield Rd.,
Countryside, IL 60525
Brighton Park
2701 W. 36th Pl.
Chicago, IL 60632